Private surf lessons based out of Rockaway Beach NYC.

Learn to ride waves on your own and surf in a safe way.

1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

Intentional instruction

We will check in before, during, and after each lesson to identify obstacles, goals and wins.

Ocean comfortability

Become more comfortable and confident every time you paddle out.


A(Lex)A Wyllie

I grew up on the south shore of Long Island. My dad was an avid surfcasting fisherman, my mom an avid beach goer. My childhood was filled with 4x4 excursions on the local beaches we body surfed and boogie boarded our days away. In my teens, I participated in the Jones Beach Junior lifeguard corps which eternally heightened my ocean awareness.

Flash forward to 2015, I was determined to teach myself how to surf as a 23 year old. In August after 2 months of consistent ego boosting surf sessions, I fully shattered my nasal cavity (always cover your face when surfacing the water). After 1 week on the couch and I realized this was only the beginning of a lifelong obsession with this sport. And so, I bought my first winter wetsuit, booties and gloves so I could surf year round.

In 2021 I moved to Rockaway. The Atlantic Ocean became my backyard. I learned you can surf fairly consistently here if you have incredibly low standards. After honing my skills and confidence in different conditions, I decided to take up coaching with a surf school in the area for a few seasons.

Sharing my ocean knowledge with others is one of my biggest passions in life. I want to create a space where we can address any fears or hesitations when it comes to your ocean journey.

If you're a beginner surfer seeking an instructor that's going to hear you out and not leave you alone in the impact zone, fill out the Onboarding Questionnaire. and lets get started!